Friday, December 30, 2011

My daughter got Mono for Christmas.

Well, the Christmas thing has been done for 2011 and may I say, been done extremely well in our household this year. I'm especially impressed with my 20 year old daughter, Zeeb. For weeks we were wondering what was going on with all the special delivery packages turning up with her name on them. It turns out that she did all her Christmas shopping online. Here's some of the cool stuff we got from her:
Zeeb knows that I'm a huge fan of Corrie. She also knows that I have an aversion to taking a dump anywhere except for the comfort of my own loo - for further details see: POTTY TALK 
So really, this is an exceptionally thoughtful gift (and I'm sure there is no connection between Corrie and Poos at all)

Here's what she got for her 7 year old sister:
How cool is it to give your baby sister a plush giant microbe for Christmas! Isn't it cute? For a look at the full range available, check out: I WANT THAT

And for her 15 year old brother, M (look up "geek" in the dictionary and you'll find his picture):

I am so jealous! Or at least I was until he challenged me to a game and slaughtered me with in a few moves. I don't want to play with him any more. I taught him how to play Chess when he was four years old and it transpires that I created a monster.  Although M's present was pretty cool, the most awesome thing about this gift was the accompanying note:
It does seem a bit harsh considering M is a Leap Day baby and will have waited four years for his next birthday. Nevertheless, I am going to laminate this piece of literary genius and put it on the Christmas tree EVERY year. It will become a family heirloom, just like my eldest daughter's angel that she made in 1989:

And on a non-Christmas related matter. Here's a picture of what happens when a baby is left in Zeeb's care for more than five minutes:
It seems she's developed a "thing" for facial hair.

Next year, I'm doing all my Christmas shopping online too. I can't wait to give away a dose of plush Herpes.


  1. Lovely gifts......................

  2. Love the note! At least Zeeb was honest!

  3. Dear Author of this blog - you really are the bee's knees when it comes to expressing things so eloquently. I especially loved the note Zeeb included with M's Christmas present :) And your honesty really does taking your blogs to a whole other level.
    From: one half of the team mentioned only a few days ago :)

  4. Oooh, an anonymous comment with a clue to the identity. This mystery is going to drive me insane!
