Zeeb knows that I'm a huge fan of Corrie. She also knows that I have an aversion to taking a dump anywhere except for the comfort of my own loo - for further details see: POTTY TALK
So really, this is an exceptionally thoughtful gift (and I'm sure there is no connection between Corrie and Poos at all)
Here's what she got for her 7 year old sister:
How cool is it to give your baby sister a plush giant microbe for Christmas! Isn't it cute? For a look at the full range available, check out: I WANT THAT
And for her 15 year old brother, M (look up "geek" in the dictionary and you'll find his picture):
It does seem a bit harsh considering M is a Leap Day baby and will have waited four years for his next birthday. Nevertheless, I am going to laminate this piece of literary genius and put it on the Christmas tree EVERY year. It will become a family heirloom, just like my eldest daughter's angel that she made in 1989:
And on a non-Christmas related matter. Here's a picture of what happens when a baby is left in Zeeb's care for more than five minutes:
It seems she's developed a "thing" for facial hair.
Next year, I'm doing all my Christmas shopping online too. I can't wait to give away a dose of plush Herpes.